About Us

What is an Herbal Apothecary?

In times of old, an apothecary was where all people went for their medicine. They dispensed herbs in powders or extracts, and sometimes as syrups. Often the doctors of the time would send their patients in with a receipt, and the apothecary would mix up the ingredients called for. It was, in essence, the original pharmacy.

apothecary (n.)

Derives from mid-14c., meaning "shopkeeper," especially "pharmacist; one who stores, compounds, and sells medicaments," from Old French apotecaire (13c., Modern French apothicaire), from Late Latin apothecarius "storekeeper," from Latin apotheca "storehouse," from Greek apotheke "barn, storehouse," literally "a place where things are put away," from apo "away" (see apo-) + theke "receptacle," from suffixed form of PIE root *dhe- "to set, put." (from the online etymology dictionary)

Today, we have modern pharmacies and pharmaceutical drugs, but there are very few herbal apothecaries, which is a shame, because herbs were, and still are, a very powerful way of healing.

Golden Poppy Herbal Apothecary and clinic is a place where you can come for natural solutions to all your health needs. Our staff is trained in a variety of natural healing methods from herbalism to nutrition, which means we can offer help for a variety of issues.

We stock bulk herbs and tea blends, custom herbal extract formulas, essential oils, flower essences, body care products, and more. Our product selection is always expanding as we create products to suit the needs of our community.

We also offer bulk supplies for making your own body-care products at home, as well as classes on herbal medicine and health.

We also specialize in functional nutrition, which means we work in-depth with you on your nutritional needs to help correct any imbalances you may have which will help you to maintain a healthy life. A functional nutritionist will do a full evaluation of your diet and lifestyle factors, as well as your unique symptoms and biology in order to gain a deeper understanding of your unique needs.

If you have any type of health issue that has been persistent or doesn’t seem to be helped by conventional medical methods, consider scheduling an appointment to discover how natural medicine can work for you.

What is an herbalist?

Herbalists are people who dedicate their lives to working with medicinal plants. They include native healers, scientists, naturopaths, holistic medical doctors, researchers, writers, herbal pharmacists, medicine makers, wildcrafters, harvesters and herbal farmers to name a few. While herbalists are quite varied, the common love and respect for life, especially the relationship between plants and humans, unites them. Persons specializing in the therapeutic use of plants may be medical herbalists, traditional herbalists, acupuncturists, midwives, naturopathic physicians, or even one's own grandmother.

Our store staff is full of knowledge.

Not only is everyone who works in the front end of the store trained in a healing modality so that we are able to answer your questions when you come in, but you can also book appointments with us when your needs go beyond what we can offer with a simple conversation.

Come in and speak with our knowledgeable staff or request a one-on-one consultation today.


Our Practitioners

Our Current store hours are:

Monday - Saturday 10am-7pm
Sunday - 11am-5pm 

(Appointment times are available outside of these hours, please call with questions)

Schedule online:

Online scheduling


Contact Us:

Email: info@goldenpoppyherbs.com
Phone: (970) 682-4373
Location: 223 N College Ave. Fort Collins, CO 80524