Nutrition And Pain...There Is A Connection

Nutrition And Pain...There Is A Connection

OUR OWNER (HERBALIST AND NUTRITIONIST) SARAH JOSEY RECENTLY ATTENDED THE INTEGRATIVE HEALTH SYMPOSIUM IN NEW YORK CITY AND CAME AWAY WITH SOME AMAZING INFORMATION ON SOME OF THE MOST COMMON HEALTH ISSUES WE SEE IN OUR CLINIC. The symposium was full of doctors, nurses, midwives, herbalists, and more, all conversing on some of today's most poignent health topics. Among the speakers were Dr. Oz, Mark Hyman MD, Tori Hudson ND, and more fabulous practitioners from around the country. HERE IS WHAT SARAH HAS TO SAY ON ONE OF THE SEMINARS SHE ATTENDED: One of the best seminars from this past weekend was on Nutrition and Pain. Dr. Hal Blatman, a specialist in pain, spoke about the main triggers for pain that he sees in his clinic. (here is his website: Not surprisingly, these foods are also linked to many of the other diseases of our modern day and really shouldn't be in anyone's diet. He advised removing these from the diet of any person suffering from any type of chronic pain: -Wheat This goes way beyond gluten and digestive issues; wheat also attacks the nervous system, which is responsible for pain signaling -Sugar Honey and molasses are fine for some people, but an initial removal of all sugar is crucial -Potatoes This means white/red/blue potatoes, sweet potatoes are different. There is very little nutritional value in potatoes and they convert to sugar pretty rapidly in the system -Fruit Juice This is really just concentrated sugar...please just eat the orange -Toxins Artificial sweeteners, food additives, food colorings, food flavorings, MSG...this list is long -Trans-fats/hydrogenated oil Margarine, I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, fried foods... He re-iterated this list several times throughout the lecture, basically stating that these are his hard-and-fast rules for reducing pain. This is a very good list to start with for any health issue, so if you have health stuff to work on, consider removing these things from your diet for 6 weeks and see what happens. We see clients in who have had pain for years that simply won't go away, despite treatment by chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, physical therapists, surgery, and more. All of these therapies are crucial for helping to heal the physical injury done to the body, and for many are crucial for long-term rehabilitation as well, but when there is still pain, it means there is another layer that isn't being addressed...this is where nutrition and herbs can play a big part. IF YOU WOULD LIKE HELP REMOVING THESE FROM YOUR DIET, GET IN TOUCH WITH US TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT: Phone: 970-682-4373 Email:
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