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Healthiest Kids University

Healthiest Kids University

Hello loyal apothecary fans! I'm really excited about this blog post today because I'm feeling see, I was invited by my healing hero Aviva Romm to be allowed to offer you a special discount on her AMAZING new online program Healthy All Year. Aviva Romm is an herbalist midwife turned Yale trained doctor who has written several of my favorite herbal reference books and is also the creator of one of the herbal education programs I've done. She is the authority on all things women, baby, and child related. Her mission has long been to advance parent's knoweldge about how to care for their family's health in a natural way, and she has spent the past several years creating some amazing online courses that she's called the Healthiest Kids University. It actually has two different programs, Healthy All Year and the Allergy Epidemic, both of which are designed to help you keep everyone in your house healthy. Specifically: Healthiest Kids University is about giving you a break from having to figure all of this out alone. The courses in Healthiest Kids University are designed to give you the information you need to feel confident and empowered when using natural remedies, treating your child naturally at home, or when you do need to visit the the doctor. In Healthiest Kids University, I bring you online the courses that contain the accurate information and the natural children’s health solutions you’ve been looking for.  The program Healthy All Year is full of everything you need to start using hebrs at home to improve your family's health; downlaodable recipes, cheat sheets, instructional videos, and so much more. But rather than me trying to tell you about everything you get you should probably just go check it out.


Because I've purchased the program and can tell you first hand that it is worth far far more than the cost (which is not very much) and you will not be dissapointed if you decide to purchase it. So if you're interested in learning more about the program, go on over to the website to check it out. And if you decide to purchase it and you use one of the links in this blog post (which are affiliate links) than I'll be able to track it and you'll be able to get a special gift from me as a thank you!


Well, since I happen to own an apothecary were we sell ALL of the remedies she talks about in her course, I've decided that anyone who purchases her course through one of my links can get 25% off their first purchase of the necessary supplies to get their herbal medicine chest going at home. If you happen to have some of the remedies Aviva talks about in her Natural Home Medicine Chest hand-out then great! But if you need to buy a few of the items to have on hand, then all you need to do is let us know that you bought the course through us (which we'll double check) then ask for the Aviva Romm Starter Kit discount and get 25% off your whole order! Many of the items we don't have listed on our website, but have no fear, you can still call us and order over the phone or email us what you need and we can mail it all out to you. Pretty cool huh...that way you can get started right away! If you're wondering what herbs and remedies this includes, well, you'll just have to buy the course and find out ;) Talk to you soon!! Sarah
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