Flower & Gem Essences For Anger
Are you familiar with flower and gem essences? If not then head on over to our primer page about them to get a sense of what they are all about. At the apothecary we have the entire Bach and FES lines of flower essences, as well as the Alaskan gem essences in the stock bottles, as well as pre-made dosage bottles of the Bach remedies on hand so you can grab and go as needed. The benefit to having all of these available is that we can customize a blend for you based on what you feel you may be needing to work on. There are a few options for this, you can come in to the store, check out our reference books, and decide what remedies you may need. You can also schedule an appointment with one of our practitioners who can sit down with you and help you navigate the waters and keep your remedy focused. It's important to focus on one issue at a time as you start to work with the essences because we can all use every essence at every point in time, but it's crucial to hone in on what you really need to work on when you put together a remedy otheriwse it could end up being to mixed (just like our emotions), and won't be as effective. To help you get started here is a handy list of flower and gem essences that are specific for the emotion of Anger. Anger can come in many forms, and it's important to understand it, recognize it, feel it, and then allow yourself to move through it. If we don't actually do this process, it can end up being stuck inside of us, and can cause more issues than we may realize.