- Root Chakra
- Sacral Chakra
- Solar Plexus Chakra
- Heart Chakra
- Throat Chakra
- Third Eye Chakra
- Crown Chakra
We have found that by utilizing the chakra energy system, we are able to explore the whole body and all of it's systems piece by piece, leaving no aspect untouched. Using the chakra system helps us to travel through all of the layers of our beings, from the most basic to the most etherial, allowing one to have a framework from which you can start from in order to work on all the different aspects of your health. This last post in the series will be dedicated to integrating all of the chakras (and thus your whole being) into one, and helping you to bring balance to your entire system. Typically, when working with the chakra system, it is recommended that you start from the root and work your way up the system, focusing on balancing each chakra before moving on to the next higher one. In this way you start with your foundation and build upon it. This is most often the best way to go about things, if you have more time. However, we have found that it can be beneficial to either start with the aspect of yourself that needs the most immediate attention and then circle back to the more foundational aspects later, or to work on multiple aspects at the same time, to both build the foundation and work on any immediately pressing issues in order to begin to feel better more quickly. No matter which route you decide to go, taking steps towards improving your health, regardless of where you start, is going to make you feel better over-all.
The remedies, tips, and recipes in this section can be used at any point in time during your healing journey, which is also true for all of the chakras we've already covered, so don't be afraid to get started on doing or using whatever you feel the most called to.
The chakras "exist" along the central energy line of the body and correspond to a whole host of different aspects of the being, from particular body parts to emotions. By exploring the different correspondences you can gain an understanding of the areas of yourself that may need work. Below is a chart we created that has the basics of what the different chakras correspond to.Chakra | Sanskrit Name | Place on body | Color | Statement | Emotions | Body Parts | Endocrine Glands |
1st – Root | Muladhara “Root, Foundation” | Perineum, base of spine | Red | I Am / I Survive“All is One” | Sense of safety and security, family, friendship, loyalty, support, | Bones, blood, lymph, immune system, muscles, skin, feet, legs, rectum | Adrenals |
2nd - Sacral | Svadhishthana“One’s own dwelling place” | ‘womb’ area, just below the navel | Orange | I Feel / I Desire“Honor one Another” | Sexuality, personal identity, ethics, relationships, passions | Sexual organs, hips, bladder, large intestine | Reproductive glands, testis & ovaries |
3rd - Solar Plexus | Manipura “City of Jewels” | Diaphragm area | Yellow | I Do / I Will “Honor Yourself” | Self-confidence, self-esteem, ambition, self-respect, personal honor, character, hope, trust | Stomach, upper intestines, sleep, pancreas, kidney, liver, gallbladder, | Pancreas |
4th – Heart | Anahata “Unstruck” | Center of the chest | Green/ Pink | I Love “I Give and Receive Love” “Love is Divine Power” | Love, hatred, grief, anger, jealousy, forgiveness | Heart, lungs, breasts, arms, hands, | Thymus gland |
5th – Throat | Vishuddha “To Purify” | Base/hollow of the throat | Bright blue | I Speak “I have the Power to Communicate” | Self expression, truth, choice, | Throat, trachea, bronchial tubes, vocal chords, mouth, teeth | Thyroid gland |
6th - Third Eye | Anja “Command” | Center of forehead, just above and between the eyes | Indigo | I See “I Am who I Am” “Seek Only Truth” | Intellect, honesty, open-mindedness, self-evaluation, self-awareness, ability to learn, emotional intelligence | Eyes, ears, nose, brain, | Pituitary & Pineal glands |
7th – Crown | Sahasrara “Thousand Petaled” | Top of the head | Purple/White | I Know / I Understand“Live in the Present Moment”“I surrender to Divine Will” | Trust, faith, spirituality, inspiration, values, ethics | Brain stem, spinal cord, nervous system, | Hypothalamus |
- 1st – Mt. Shasta (Cascade Mountains in California/Oregon)
- 2nd – Lake Titicaca (South America – Bolivia/Peru)
- 3rd – Uluru (Australia)
- 4th – Glastonbury (England)
- 5th – Great Pyramid (Egypt)
- 6th – Aeon Activation – currently stationary (Western Europe)
- 7th – Mt. Kailas (Tibet/Himalayas)
- (Herbarium)
Sometimes other people say it best, so here is a synopsis of chakra balancing from Chakras.info: "Chakra balancing is the process of restoring a harmonious flow of energy across the chakra system. The effect of well balanced chakras often translates into a feeling of well-being, relaxation, centeredness, increased vitality and embodiment of oneself. When we talk about chakra balancing, we may actually refer to various techniques and meanings. A commonly accepted definition of chakra balancing is the process through which the energy of the chakras is brought to a well functioning and harmonious state. The idea of balancing a chakra is only addressing part of the picture: Each chakra part of a system that functions as a whole. If we look at how chakras work, we see that they have a dynamic connection with each other and interact energetically. Therefore, when doing chakra balancing, it’s not only important to consider each chakra, but also the neighboring centers, and the energy through the whole system. The purpose of chakra balancing is to support a balanced flow that will sustain our overall level of energy. In our everyday life, we are subjected to a number of activities, sources of stress and demands that result in fluctuations in our energy level. Some may feel draining, others fulfilling or nourishing. Furthermore, past events and experiences often leave a long lasting influence on how we feel and are in the world, therefore influencing how we manage our energy day-to-day. Stresses placed on us by the demands of life may result in interruptions and fluctuations in our energy flow and chakra imbalances. Balancing consists in establishing sufficient and consistent flow where there is not enough, regulating energy where there’s too much, and aligning where there’s distortion or displacement. Chakra balancing techniques fall into in three categories: 1. Those centered on a physical process or activity 2. A meditative or introspective practice 3. The transmission of energy from another person or on your own.- Hands on healing or energy healing
- Meditation, including chakra meditation, self-inquiry
- Exercises focused on the connection of body and mind, including yoga
- Breath work, including pranayama
- Holistic or alternative medicine
- Reiki
- Craniosacral therapy
- Pranic healing
- Root Chakra
- Sacral Chakra
- Solar Plexus Chakra
- Heart Chakra
- Throat Chakra
- Third Eye Chakra
- Crown Chakra

- Brazilian Quartz - the essence of cleansing white light; stimulates healing on all levels; cleanses, energizes and synchronizes the subtle bodies, the chakras, and the physical body to the Earth’s natural vibration; brings a grounded, present time focus to the entire energy system
- Fluorite Combo - synchronizes the movement of incoming and outgoing energy between the subtle bodies and the physical body; fine-tunes our focus so that we can move through an issue or healing process with precision and balance
- Herkimer Diamond - a highly developed transmitter of white light; stimulates and amplifies healing at all levels; promotes clarity of vision; helps us regulate and fine tune the abilities of the 6th chakra; facilitates clarity during the dream state.
Kunzite - opens the heart to an awareness of one’s angelic presence; anchors the reality of angelic support into the
body and one’s environment; helps one experience the spiritual love of the angelic kingdom in the heart, in the moment; develops the higher octave of the heart chakra
- Moonstone - helps us move into an authentic feeling space rather than an over-reactive one; cleanses and circulates energy in the emotional body; helps us complete emotional cycles; calming, soothing, and nurturing; balances and harmonizes psychic sensitivity during menstruation
- Opal - recharges the chakras with a full spectrum of luminous colors; helps us rejuvenate spent emotional and mental forces; counteracts the depletion of color frequencies in the aura; replenishes our creative energies; helps us learn to use the fire element in a balanced way.
- Smoky Quartz - grounding and calming; synchronizes body energy with Earth energy; regulates and stabilizes the detoxification of unwanted energies from the physical and subtle bodies; cleanses and re-calibrates body energies during and after travel
- Spectrolite - renews and refreshes one’s perspective; helps one contact deeper levels of meaning in life’s events; helps one see the magnificent in the mundane and the Divine in the ordinary; bathes and nourishes the entire energy system with full-spectrum light
- Turquoise - cleanses and deepens our connection to the Soul of the Earth; attunes our energy field to the ancient wisdom and sacredness inherent in all of life; helps us live a life of simplicity, full of gratitude and reverence for All
- Watermelon tourmaline - balances the universal polarities of yin and yang; harmonizes the dynamic and magnetic (giving and receiving) qualities of love; helps us ground spiritual and angelic qualities of love into the heart and physical body
- Hematite - strengthens the energetic boundary between the mental and emotional bodies; promotes emotional independence rather than co-dependence; helps us maintain a state of compassionate detachment while witnessing an intense emotional experience in another; helps us contain our own emotional experiences in a clear way.

- Calla Lily - balancing one's masculine and feminine aspects
- Corn - spirituality which relates to both Heaven and Earth, and both the physical body and psychic awareness
- Lady’s Slipper - integration of inner spiritual authority with real life tasks, harmonization of crown and root chakras
- Fawn Lily - balance between inner spirituality and outer commitment
- Lotus - balanced spirituality; to bring right relationship between crown chakra and other energy centers
- Moring Glory - balance and regularity in daily habits and life-style
- Nicotiana - to balance the heart forces, especially to integrate the feeling life with bodily strength; to feel earthly forces of strength in consonance with the inner life of the soul
- Vervain - Ability to practice moderation, tolerance, and balance; “the middle way;” passionate and embodied idealism

Much of the information we've gathered about the qualities of things associated with the chakras comes from the wonderful work of Dr. Deanna Minch of the Whole Detox. Her work is rich in color and focuses very specifically on healing the self through the chakras, so if you'd like to go even deeper into this type of work on yourself, check out her self-guided detoxification programs.
- Chakra Tonics - Elise Collins
- Caroline Myss's Free Chakra info
- Chakra Synopsis
- Balancing the Throat Chakra from the Herbarium
- Throat Chakra Essential Oils
- Alaskan Gem Essences
- Flower Essence Society