2020 Medicinal Plant Sale

2020 Medicinal Plant Sale

Ah gardening season

The time of year is upon us when the last frost date has come and gone, and we can once again play in our gardens without fear of freezing rains.

Back in February, our resident plant baby specialist started a large number of medicinal herb seeds, and the time has come for them to find new homes. Below you will find photos of the plants available and some information about each plant's medicinal properties. Each plant comes with instructions for transplanting and care so you can have an even better chance at harvesting it's medicinal properties as time moves on. Since we are still offering only curbside pick up and shipping, this year's plant sale will look a bit different than in years past, but rest assured the plants are just as lovely and hardy as ever. To order a plant start, please give us a call and we will take your order over the phone. You will then be able to pick up your plants the next day. We are available Monday-Saturday 11-4 and can be reached at 970-682-4373. Unfortunately, we aren't able to ship our plant starts, but lucky for you we still have medicinal seed packets available that we can mail, so you can still get some lovely medicinals going wherever you happen to live. There is a limited number of plants, so get your order in quick to ensure you get the ones you want. Happy planting!  

Organic Herb Starts - $6/each

-Available while supplies last-   Organic Ashwagandha Withania somnifera   Growing: Plant in a dry, sunny location with good drainage.  12 inches apart. Overwinter indoors. Parts used: Roots, harvested in fall near first frost. Known uses: Can be used as an adaptogen to tone the nervous system while promoting energy and vitality.      

Organic Calendula

Calendula officinalis

Growing: Full sun, average soil. Plant 11 inches apart. Grows well  in pots.

Parts used: Harvest flowers as they open. Frequent harvesting increases yield.

Known uses: Can be used topically to promote cell repair, ward off infection & soothe burned or irritated skin. Internally, it can be used for gastrointestinal issues such as ulcers, irritated bowels and indigestion. 

      Organic Catnip Nepeta cataria   Growing: Plant in well draining soil 18-24 inches apart. Parts used: Leaves Known uses: Can be used as a light calming sedative. Helpful for soothing digestive upsets, reducing teething pain and bringing restful sleep in children.        

Organic Chamomile (german)

Matricaria recutita

Growing: Plant in partial to full sun, 6 inches apart.

Parts used: Flowers. Frequent harvesting increases yield.

Known uses: Can be a helpful aid to nervous stress and digestive troubles. Known for use to help settle the central nervous system and allow a good night's sleep. 

          Organic Comfrey Symphytum officinale   Growing: Hardy perennial. Plant in partial shade in well draining soil 12 inches apart. Parts used: Leaf and root Known uses: Can be used to increase cell proliferation. Best used as a poultice directly on injury.  Note: Can lead to  hepatic toxicity from long term internal use.       

Organic Holy Basil

Ocimum sanctum

Growing: Plant in full sun and well draining soil, 12 inches apart.

Parts used: Leaves

Known uses: Can be helpful for stress and anxiety relief by regulating the release of cortisol. Can also be used to enhance mental clarity and memory retention. 

          Organic Lemon Balm Melissa officinalis   Growing: Plant in partial shade in well draining soil, 12 inches apart. Parts Used: Leaves Known uses: Can be used to soothe nervousness that affects the heart and digestive system. Contains antiviral and antiseptic properties.         

Organic Motherwort

Leonurus cardiaca

Growing: Resistant, hardy. Will grow in a wide variety of conditions. Cut between flowering and seed maturation to avoid it spreading.  

Parts Used: Leaves can be harvested anytime. 

Known uses: Tonifying to the female reproductive system, calming for nervous conditions. Known for bringing joy to the heart!

      Organic Mugwort Artemisia vulgare   Growing: Hardy perennial. Full sun, well drained soil. Will take over if not given secure boundaries in the garden.  Parts Used: Leaves Known uses: Can be useful to aid in lucid dreaming. Known for its use as an anti-parasitic.             Organic Nettle Urtica dioica   Growing: Plant in rich, moist soil. Can tolerate shady conditions. Be mindful of their stinging hairs! Parts Used: Leaves & Root Known uses: Can be helpful for seasonal allergies & inflammation. Well known for its antioxidant richness and nutrient density.         

Organic Peppermint

Mentha  piperita

Growing: Full sun, loamy soil. Will take over if not given secure boundaries in the garden. 

Parts Used: Leaves

Known uses: Can be used to relieve nausea, indigestion & nerve pain. Cooling, great flavoring agent.

        Organic Self-Heal Prunella vulgaris   Growing: Plant 6-9 inches apart in sun & partial shade.  Will take over if not given secure boundaries in the garden.  Parts Used: Leaves and flower heads. Frequent harvesting increases yield. Known uses: Panacea herb. Can be used as an anti-inflammatory, anti-viral & analgesic. Also well known for allergy support. 
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